Thursday, 17 April 2008

The Strange Man's Arrival

It was a wintry day, and there was a strong wind during the month of February, the last snowfall of the year in Bramblehurst railway station. The strange man was dressed from head to foot. His whole body was full with snow. His appearance was very wierd. Fortunately, he was able to find an inn that he could stay in. The hostess, Mrs Halls, was kind enough to give him a fire to warm himself up during the winter season. At this season, Mrs Halls didn't expect to have any guests at her inn. The strange man then paid him and Mrs. Halls left him alone. Mrs. Halls then saw the visitor still dressed the same as he was when he came in. Mrs. Halls tried to ask him if she could take off his hat and coat but the stranger said no. Mrs. Halls and the cook was suspecting that something was wrong.

The first chapter was about the stranger settling down in the inn and the inn hostess felt something was wrong.

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