Tuesday, 29 April 2008


Ladies and Gentlemen, a very good evening to all of you. Today at our show, we are very gald to have with us two of the characters from the book titled "The Invisible Man" authored by H. G. Wells. Please Welcome, Mr. Griffin and Dr. Kemp! (Applause)

Interviewer: Good Evening Mr. Griffin! We're glad to have you with us today at our talk show.

Dr. Kemp: Oh yes, yes, of course! We're very pleased to be here also.

Mr. Griffin: Oh yes, sure! Thank you too.

Interviewer: Now, let's start with Mr. Griffin. After reading through your story, i kind of wonder. How was it like being an invisible man? Was it tough?

Mr Griffin: Definitely! It was so tough that noone could imagine how i felt being an invisible man. Being invisible man needs to have a lot of courage. Everything you do would be watched by everyone. You have to be really careful. Expecially when i went around stealing money from strangers. If they see the money flying they'll be wondering what was that!

Interviewer: That would be scary i guessed! Well, have you ever thought of not becoming an invisible man then?

Mr. Griffin: Yes, of course! I ever though that being an invisible man was a terrible thing to be. I ever thought of changing back to my original state. But sadly, I don't have the drug or whatsoever to change myself back to the way I used to be. However, if i recall those days, I'd rather be an invisible man then an ordinary man. Why? Because i now love the job of stealing money from strangers. Then i can be rich! I can be the richest man in the world.

Interviewer: So you rather be rich and being an invisible man than be rich and but as a normal man? Wow. That's wierd Anyway, let's go on to our next question. Why did you want to kill people. That's illegal and you knew it was.

Mr. Griffin: Haha ! I've already said earlier, i'm and invisible man. There's nothing I can do. That's the only thing I can do. With my state being, i can't do anything except steal, and kill.

Interviewer: Well, do you believe in anything called God then?

Mr. Griffin: WHAT? Did i just heard you said God? There's no such thing as God here. God is nothing. Everyone can be God. Now I'm te God. You can't see me but you know i'm here. I can control everything and noone will see. That is how God works right?

Interviewer: In the story, you said that you needed to get the book, the three books. What three books was that?

Mr. Griffin: Those three books were books of life to me. I used to be a scientist. I work with numbers and my science apparatus. Those three books were my instruction book. Inside, it tells me orders of how i should do things. Those three books had my words and my writings inside. Only people who understand the math language will understand it.

Interviewer: Seems pretty hard to understand for me. Do you like your landlady Mrs. Halls? Is she nice?

Mr. Griffin: Yes, she is nice. She is a nice lady. I was so shock when she was so nice to me even though i was not quite nice to her. She would still offer me drinks and everything. Well, I guess that was her job as a landlady.

Interviewer: Did Mrs. Halls suspected that something was wrong with you sine your dressing was wierd?

Mr. Griffin: Oh yes she did. When i first came in, she suspected that something was wrong because of my dressing. However, she was brave enough to actually ask me whether i could take off my bandages and i firmly said no. That was a mean way to react i say. But, what else can i do?

Interviewer: Now, not forgetting Dr. Kemp, let's talk to Dr. Kemp. I'm aware that you used to be friends before with Mr. Griffin? What was your reaction when you met him few years later.

Dr. Kemp: Oh, yes. We were friends back then. We went to school together. But since the day he was working on his experiments, he was gone. I didn't know where he went and we didn't have any contact at all. Now that i saw him wounded in my house, I was very shocked. I didn't know what to do or what happened to him. Then after talking to him, he finally revealed himself that he was invisible that he was invisible.

Interviewer: Wow! That must be shocking huh? What did you think changed in him?

Dr. Kemp: Well, as a friend, i'll be very honest. Forgive me if i say something that's hurtful to hear.

Mr. Griffin: Oh, it's okay. Please be, because i would like to know.

Dr. Kemp: Okay then. When i met him, i was so sad. I was dissapointed in him. Now that he's invisible, he changed. Something was missing in him. I felt like there was a hole inside his soul. He didn't know what to do or where to go. It was like he doesn't have a heart to follow.

Interviewer: Oh my goodness! That must be really sad. Now that you've said that Dr. Kemp, do you think that it would allow Mr. Griffin to change to be a better person?

Dr. Kemp: I'm not sure about that. As a long lost friend, I really hope to see a change in him. But i can't say for sure that he would change because it's still his own thinking. You can't force someone to do things they don't wanna do.

Interviewer: Alright! Thank you both for your time. I really enjoyed the interview with both of you. Thank you. May your friendship goes back like it used to.

Dr. Kemp, Mr. Griffin: Oh of course. Thank you.

1 comment:

littlegreenducky said...

Nice job ILY! I like how you gave me the perspective of two people. Good luck on your Book Review!