Monday, 28 April 2008

Dr. Kemp's Visitor

Dr. Kemp arrived home that day and saw that there were bloodstains on his doormat. He was quite curious at first, but he just let it pass and thought that it my be his own blood. As he walked into his house, he started to feel something wasn't right. As he was walking towards his room, he saw those bloodstains on his doorknob. At that moment, he realised more and more blood appeared around the house. Then suddenly he heard a loud voice. Mr. Kemp turned behind but there was noone. At the background, he heard movements at the washroom. The man revealed himself saying that he was the an invisible man. His name was Griffin. Griffin used to be his ex-schoolmate. But they lost contact. Griffin told Dr. Kemp that he just wanted a place to sleep and he made Dr. Kemp promise to not sell him away while he was sleeping.

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