Wednesday, 23 April 2008

The Invisible Man Loses his Temper

Mr. Halls and Mr. Teddy heard noises from the room. They were surprised. They immediately went into the room to check it out. But surprisingly, there wasn't anyone there. Then Mrs. Halls heard it too, all of them found it odd. Acoross the window, Mrs. Halls saw the shop owner across the inn running out of the shop screaming "Stop thief!". While Mr. and Mrs. Halls went across the street to check it out, Mr. Bunting was downstairs trying to keep a vigil on who was actually causing all these troubles. In another moment, Mr. Cuss was back in the parlour. Mr. Bunting heard sounds from upstairs, he immediately went up. Mr. Bunting heard a loud scream but nobody was there. Mr. Cuss also rushed up and conjectured that it was the invisible man. The invisible man was so mad that he broke all windows of the inn.

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